Settimana del Baratto Sicily Province of Trapani Campobello di Mazara

Settimana del Baratto in CAMPOBELLO DI MAZARA

We did not find properties in CAMPOBELLO DI MAZARA
We selected those nearby
2 properties in the surroundings of Campobello di Mazara
Bed & Breakfast

Camagna Country House

PARTANNA (TP) far 19 Km from Campobello di Mazara
Tel. 347 8021347 | Tel. 347 6519087 | Cell: 347 8021347 | Cell: 347 6519087
Barter accepted all year round 
Bed & Breakfast

Halicyae B&B

SALEMI (TP) far 22 Km from Campobello di Mazara
Cell: 376 1427759
Wishes: Musica, Film, Video

Bartering near to

Location of interest