Settimana del Baratto Emilia Romagna Province of Rimini Rimini

Settimana del Baratto in RIMINI

We did not find properties in RIMINI
We selected those nearby
4 properties in the surroundings of Rimini
Bed & Breakfast

B&B Le Case Rosse

Villa Verucchio, VERUCCHIO (RN) far 12 Km from Rimini
Tel. 0541 670530 | Cell: 340 7939253 | Cell: 335 5601861
Wishes: Servizi e Prestazioni

Locanda San Biagio

MISANO ADRIATICO (RN) far 15 Km from Rimini
Tel. 0541 613167 | Tel. 335 282630 | Cell: 320 2933121 | Cell: 348 1473097
Barter accepted all year round 
Bed & Breakfast

B&B Ghetto Conca

SAN GIOVANNI IN MARIGNANO (RN) far 16 Km from Rimini
Cell: 338 3742955
Wishes: Musica, Film, Video
Bed & Breakfast

B&B Bertina

CESENATICO (FC) far 22 Km from Rimini
Tel. 333 9903957 | Tel. 348 5608095 | Cell: 348 5608095 | Cell: 333 9903957
Barter accepted all year round 

Bartering near to

Airports Ports Train Stations Stadiums Fairs and Exhibitions Amusement Parks Hospitals and Clinics Monuments Spas Outlets and Malls Christmas Markets Museums and Galleries Highways Archaeological Sites Golf Courses Cinemas and Theatres Beaches

Location of interest

Nearby towns