Settimana del Baratto Emilia Romagna Province of Reggio Emilia Reggio Emilia

Settimana del Baratto in REGGIO EMILIA

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1 properties in the surroundings of Reggio Emilia
Bed & Breakfast

Antico Casale Caroli

Praticello, GATTATICO (RE) far 16 Km from Reggio Emilia
Tel. 0522 678616 | Cell: 370 3418529
Wishes: Foto e Video Servizi e Prestazioni Vacanze e Viaggi
Barter accepted all year round 

Bartering near to

Airports Train Stations Stadiums Fairs and Exhibitions Amusement Parks Hospitals and Clinics Monuments Universities Outlets and Malls Museums and Galleries Highways Golf Courses Cinemas and Theatres

Location of interest

Nearby towns